A clearer approach to setting speed limits on Hertfordshire’s roads has been agreed, paving the way for more 20mph zones across the county.
Over the summer, Hertfordshire County Council consulted on an updated strategy for setting speed limits on the county’s roads, including clearer guidance on the introduction of 20mph areas that aim to improve conditions for people walking and cycling.
The strategy includes a framework for setting speed limits so that they are more consistently applied across the road network, reflecting the design of the road and the way it is used. It also provides clearer guidelines on the measures (such as traffic calming, signing and technology) that can be used to help reinforce those limits.
The Speed Management Strategy has been agreed by the county council’s Cabinet, and will now be used by the council’s highways team to assess which roads would benefit from a different speed limit. The strategy will support the roll-out of more 20mph areas, setting out how these will need to take account of the local environment and intelligence about existing traffic speeds, so they are properly designed to encourage motorists to comply with the lower limit.
Conservative Councillor Phil Bibby, Cabinet Member for Highways and Environment, said:
We want Hertfordshire’s roads to be safe for all road users, and making sure we have the right speed limits in the right places is an important part of that. We want people to feel safe walking and cycling, and to make sure that residential areas and town centres feel like safe and pleasant places to be.
This new Speed Management Strategy will mean we can make clear and sensible decisions on where speed limits need to change, and where we could potentially introduce 20mph zones with local support.
The Speed Management Strategy supports the county council’s Local Transport Plan, which sets out the vision for transport in Hertfordshire, and in particular how active travel such as walking and cycling can play a bigger role in helping people get around. It will also support the Sustainable Hertfordshire Strategy, the county council’s ambitious programme to improve sustainability in the county.
The Cabinet papers, including the Speed Management Strategy, are online at https://democracy.hertfordshire.gov.uk/mgAi.aspx?ID=4116#mgDocuments