Rickmansworth Festival has shockingly been cancelled following a knee-jerk reaction by three Rivers District Council (TRDC).
New restrictions on activities in the Aquadrome imposed by TRDC, the organisers have been presented with further financial and administrative burdens, forcing them to cancel.
Rickmansworth Conservative Councillors are working hard to save the Festival.
A report on how to manage the asbestos laid underground in the Aquadrome 90 years ago triggered this decision by TRDC. However, the councils own monitoring shows there is no risk from using the Aquadrome.
The council’s decision to ban digging or use of pegs or stakes, was taken in September 2023, behind closed doors without debate, a vote, involvement of residents and without legal advice or second opinion. Residents and Councillors were only told of this decision in the New Year!
Conservative councillors have called for a public meeting, but TRDC will only allow closed meetings which bare the public attending.
Rickmansworth Councillor Lisa Hudson said, "Conservative Councillors will do all we can to save the Festival and ensure people can continue to enjoy the Aquadrome as they have for nearly a century."
Local MP Gagan Mohindra added "I know how important the Aquadrome is to the community, and I am saddened by the cancellation of the Festival. I am supporting Rickmansworth councillors in their efforts to find a pragmatic solution.”